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When it comes to building muscles and adding size to your frame. Your diet is going to be the most important factor that you have to get right because simply put when your diet is optimized for muscle growth it will enable you to perform that much better in the gym and physically recover and progress that much faster but what exactly does a diet optimize for muscle growth entail well despite all the confusion and common misconceptions surrounding this topic it's actually quite simple and by no means does it require you to explicitly to eating chicken, broccoli and brown rice everyday.

But there are few factors you need to get right and primarily how many total calories, protein, carbs and fat you are consuming on a daily basis. So, let's start with that if you want to maximize muscle growth while minimizing excess fat gain the you have to ensure you in taking enough calories but at the same you don't go to overboard. In fact, research has indicated that more is not necessarily better for growth since there are limit to the amount of muscle that you can build a month this will cause the rest of your excess calories to be stored as fat therefore I'd go with recommendations of multiple researchers within the field which is to aim to slowly gain roughly two to four pounds per month depending on your training experiences.

Image result for weight gain per month muscle

To find out how many calories this amounts to for you, you can simply use researcher Lao Mcdonald's recommendation and multiply your body weight in pounds by 15 and then add 200 to 400 calories to this. If you are beginner aim for the higher end since you will have a greater muscle growth potential whereas intermediate lifters should aim for the lower end although this likely won't be spot on initially you can start with this and then adjust your calories based on how your weight game progresses.



I was never one to drink lots of water until one of my friend told me how amazing water is for muscle pliability so I decided to give it a shot, Now I drink around 3-4 litre a day and definitely see the effects! The benefits of drinking water is :

  1. Muscles pliability which is make muscles softer which increases flexibility,
  2. Increases energy levels and brain function.
  3. Boots metabolism for fat loss.
  4. Boots physical performance by reducing fatigue.
  5. Reduces hangover symptoms for all your party goers.



Picture credit to : Health24

Hi guys, I been trying to incorporate yoga into my daily routine for the past few weeks because if you know me you will know I am as stiff as a stick. You guys can do any yoga movement that you fit in.

  • 15 minutes when I wake up
  • 15 minutes post workout
  • 15 minutes before I go to bed
Honestly, it's been really helpful and I'm starting to see improvements with hamstring flexibility and shoulder mobility. Groin and abductors still very stiff but will hopefully get better as I progress.

Definitely will recommend this to anyone who wants feel better and less stiff throughout the day especially if you are student and you are sitting throughout the day, Thanks for your attention.




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Abs Workout
  • For abs, I like to do 4-6 exercises at the end of my workouts. Usually I will spent about 15-20 minutes to finish up my abs exercise. I try to do it in a circuit format then repeat for 3-4 rounds.

  • Abs are like any other muscle group, should try weight when possible and incorporate rest days. I try to hits my abs every alternate days.

  • When selecting exercises, I try to pick up one that target different part which is upper, lower and obliques.

As a reminder, you guys still need to consistent in diet and workouts to get a superb abs. No matter how good your protein shake is, if the person doesn't diet on point, is just waste your money and effort. Good Luck !!!



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Hi guys, on today topic I will discuss about Calories and Macros. To be fair, when starting of trying to implement a clean diet you don't have to be so grid in terms of calculating everything to the gram. 

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I had to say that the most important thing is to keep calories at the level you need. Find your maintenance level deduct 300-500 if you are trying to lose weight and  add 300-500 if you want to gain weight. If you are consistent you should see sufficient progress.

When you hit a plateau is when you had probably need to start getting more detailed maybe by counting macros. I had say aim 1-1.3g of protein per pound of body weight, 25% of your calorie goal on fat and the remaining carbs. MyfitnessPal is an amazing app that will make your life much easier. Available on Apps store and Google Playstore.

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In all honestly, you be able to reach your goals by eating anything you want (even junk) provided you stay within your calorie goals but definitely would advise to stick to nutrient rich and clean foods to yield the most benefits.



Image result for cheat day meal

Hi guys, we all been heard of big cheat days to reward ourselves after eating clean throughout the week. Just thought I'd share the advantages and disadvantages of each one through both my personal experience and what I've read. So let's the with the first one which is :


                                 Image result for cheat day

  • A day off from our diet where we practically eat anything we want. Benefits are mainly psychological as it gives both our body and mind a break from our diet which is sometimes needed in order to avoid giving up. However, cheat days during a diet go to slow progress down as you tend to eat away the deficit that you have created throughout the week.

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  • One meal where we eat whatever we want. Benefits are similar to cheat day but the drawbacks are sufficiently less as it's pretty hard to eat away our whole deficit through one meal. Would definitely recommend this over cheat days as we satisfy our cravings and still stay on track !

                                           Image result for refeed day
  • Re-feed days is 1 or 2 days where we are still eating clean but bump up your calories, especially carbs. The main aim is to replenish glycogen stores and leptin levels that may have dropped due to the suppression of your diet. It's probably the best of the three options if we're on strict cut but hard when we have craving to satisfy.



Hi guys, on today's topic I'm going to tell you about "what should we eat before and after workout". Did you guys know what we eat before workout will have a big impact on how well you perform at the gym, how quickly recover and that result that you will see in the mirror.

Regardless of whether you are trying to build muscle or burn fat you will be at disadvantage if you completely ignore your pre and post workout nutrition.While many nutrient timing principles have been debunked. What you eat around your workout continues to remain important because nailing down your pre and post workout meals can speed up your progress more than any other meal you eat throughout the rest of the day.

So let's start first with pre workout. When we workout, the muscle protein breakdown rates will shoot up whether your goals to bulk up and build up muscle or burning fat while preserving the muscle. So the first one is :

                                        Image result for banana
  • Known as nature's power bar bananas are packed with carbohydrates and potassium which support nerve and muscle function.

2.  OATS

                                               Image result for oats

  • Full of fiber, release carbohydrates gradually,.
  • Due to this slow release, energy levels are kept consistent throughout your workout, means you can train harder at the gym for long period.
  • Contain Vitamin B, which help convert carbohydrates into energy.


  • One slice of whole grain bread is an excellent source of carbs.
  • Add some hard-boiled egg for a protein packed snacked, or some low-fat turkey.


Image result for fruits and greek yogurt

  • This is a killer combo. The fruits is full with carbohydrates while Greek yogurt packs a protein filled punch.
  • Compared to other yogurt, Greek yogurt has almost double the protein, fewer carbs and half the sodium.


Image result for protein smoothie

  • Contains calcium to improve bone health.
  • Provides a good amount of fiber that help tone for muscles.

That's all for meal before workout. Lets now turn our attention over to what to eat after workout. Once your finish training the rate of muscle protein breakdown increases unless you do something about it, it will outstrip the rate of protein synthesis and you will actually start to lose muscle tissue, that's why it's important to get about 20 to 40 grams of protein into your body within couple of hours after finishing your workout. Otherwise, the kind of protein that you have should be fast digesting source like whey protein shake for example. This will quickly deliver amino acids leucine to your muscles cells and leucine is powerful stimulator of protein synthesis. Study suggest that taking protein immediately after workout will help you build more muscle than if taking later on in the day but how soon after workout do we have to take these shakes? You should get the protein into your body after 30 minutes of workout. 
Image result for after workout

So let's focus on our main topic which is what to eat for post workout. The first one is :


                                      Image result for protein shake
  • To fuel muscle growth.
  • It's callled protein timing, and the idea it is this : Resistance training increase amino acid delivery to muscles as well as absorption.


                                      Image result for brown rice
  • Building muscle is not just about protein. You will need to get some carbs as well and brown rice is perfect choice.
  • Will give plenty of good carbohydrates, just like white rice but brown rice has the added benefits of more nutrient.


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                                    Image result for benefits of yolk egg for muscle

  • Contains over 70 calories along with all the vitamins and minerals..
  • Provide protein for build muscle.

So, that's all for today topic. I hope you guys get used to it in daily before and after workout and discipline for maintain it. Stay focus for your goals and good result are waiting. Good luck !!!