Hi guys, we all been heard of big cheat days to reward ourselves after eating clean throughout the week. Just thought I'd share the advantages and disadvantages of each one through both my personal experience and what I've read. So let's the with the first one which is :
- A day off from our diet where we practically eat anything we want. Benefits are mainly psychological as it gives both our body and mind a break from our diet which is sometimes needed in order to avoid giving up. However, cheat days during a diet go to slow progress down as you tend to eat away the deficit that you have created throughout the week.
- One meal where we eat whatever we want. Benefits are similar to cheat day but the drawbacks are sufficiently less as it's pretty hard to eat away our whole deficit through one meal. Would definitely recommend this over cheat days as we satisfy our cravings and still stay on track !
- Re-feed days is 1 or 2 days where we are still eating clean but bump up your calories, especially carbs. The main aim is to replenish glycogen stores and leptin levels that may have dropped due to the suppression of your diet. It's probably the best of the three options if we're on strict cut but hard when we have craving to satisfy.